Archive for May 25th, 2011

May 25, 2011

COLLECTIVE SACRIFICE IS GROOVY, MAN: The Problem with ‘We’re All In This Together’

 “The choice is hardly between in-this-together sheep and atomistic individuals. Tocqueville was astounded at the many ways Americans loved to work together. Granges, churches, business associations, volunteer fire departments — the list was pretty much endless. That said, these associations were voluntary and the government had nothing to do with them. If there is one thing that identifies American exceptionalism, it is a fierce individualism. Americans don’t like to be told what to do — especially by bureaucrats.” [Edward H. Crane’s “Actually We’re Not All In This Together” at CATO] 

May 25, 2011

THE STORY OF cO2: The Cult of Global Warming and Its Sadistic Assault on Carbon Dioxide

William Happer’s “The Truth About Greenhouse Gases”: “The situation is even more lamentable for the general public, which is fed a constant stream of propaganda by specialists in environmental issues from the mainstream media and well-funded alarmist blogs. Not unlike functionaries of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in 1984, with its motto “Ignorance is Strength,” many members of the environmental news media dutifully and uncritically promote the party line of the climate crusade. ” [Read Happer’s article at]

ALSO,  Climate Models Go Cold by David Evans :”Finally, to those who still believe the planet is in danger from our carbon dioxide emissions: Sorry, but you’ve been had. Yes, carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming, but it’s so minor it’s not worth doing much about.”

May 25, 2011

RULING CLASS: Let Them Eat Alligators

Erik Rush’s blog: “I’m sure that in Obama’s mind, this was cute and clever, but people in America’s southwest aren’t laughing. The border region’s current state has far surpassed the proverbial specter of Dodge City; with murders, kidnappings and immigrant-related crime up not only on the border, but in cities and towns hundreds of miles inside the U.S., Obama’s flip oratory left residents in these areas slack-jawed with shock. [ERIK RUSH AT WND.COM]

May 25, 2011

RESTORING OUR CREDIBILITY ABROAD: “Clark Griswold: Aw, there’s Buckingham Palace, kids. That’s where the Queen lives and works. Audrey Griswold: She works? What does she do, Dad? Clark Griswold: She queens… And she vacuums.”

 The Darjeeling Express tends to gloss over some of Obama’s behavioral quirks and poor manners. Larry Johnson over at the NoQuarter blog provides a nice summary of Barry’s Vacation in Jolly Ole’ (In addition, Obama may have had some car trouble, but we’re not putting that on him). [NO QUARTER]

May 25, 2011

BLOWHARD WITH A VENGEANCE — Schultz: “this right-wing slut, what’s her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut!”

Radio Equalizer has the story and the clip.  Keep in mind, liberals are champions of women and have the progressive attitudes and what not. But here’s the MSNBC talk show commentator and all-around black-coffee drinking everyman, Ed “man of the people” Schultz, getting his weird anger on: “This right wing slut, Laura Ingraham. Yeah, she’s a talk slut!” The context is Schultz is upset with Igraham for criticizing Obama, so he goes straight for the ad hominem.

Beyond the pale stuff really. I’d say the guy should be fired, but this is MSNBC after all.

Don Imus was fired for “nappy-headed ho’s” of course. David Schuster said Hillary Clinton was “pimping out” her daughter. How does Ed Schultz not get fired over this? It isn’t like Joe Scarborough or the MSNBC brass are big fans of the Shultz. Possible defenses?

Locker room talk? He was a college quarterback at an NAIA school. Maybe that’s what Schultz did at halftime. Talked about sluts and how slutty sluts are when they’re being sluttish and oh-so slutty. So the language is just a part of his blue-collar, man-of-the-people, champion-of-the-underdog persona. He’s a man’s man, don’t ya’ know. Truth of the matter is most liberals in the bookish class won’t be sad to see him go. Progressives prefer their heroic voices  to look more like Ezra Klein or Christopher Hayes. Ya know…guys who clearly don’t play football.

It’s possible Ed Schultz is employing the lessons he learned from the Slut Day events that gripped the country a couple of weeks ago. Wasn’t that the point? To celebrate our sluts and tell them that we love them just as they are. Yeahhh, that’s the ticket! Perhaps Schultz is encouraging Ms. Ingraham to embrace it or something to that effect. Or he’s just a tool. Latter…

In a culture that throws such a hissy-fit over the word “gay”, is “slut” not considered a slur against women too? Is slut so ubiquitous that we don’t even bother getting upset about it? But saying something is ‘so gay’ is just verboten. Can’t have it.

OUR PREDICTION: On his next telecast Ed Schultz will open with the “Ya know, sometimes I get so passionate about this country that I get a little crazy and say things I shouldn’t. And yesterday was one of those days…” defense. I say he’ll directly apologize on-air to Ms. Ingraham. He’ll do a “I want to say directly to Laura Ingraham, I’m sorry.” He’ll throw in a “that language is completely unacceptable”, “not who I am”, “I regret anyone I may have hurt”, etc.

Depending on how big the uproar is he might get suspended for a couple of weeks, but I’d be surprised if he actually got fired. Unless the nutroots look at this as an opportunity to move Schultz out of the way and get another progressive voice one last show on MSNBC (because that Cenk Uygyur thing is working out so brilliantly).

May 25, 2011



Last paragraph of David Brooks’ Times article yesterday (underline added for emphasis): “Tuesday, as President Obama visits London, we will get a glimpse of the British political culture. We Americans have no right to feel smug or superior.” — The underlying assumption being that Americans sit around thinking to themselves, Gee, I feel so superior to the British.  I’m not thinking about my job security, my family, or whether the Miami Heat will win a championship. I’m feeling smug today that I’m not a Brit.

The amusing thing about David “Pant Crease” Brooks is how much his articles reveal about him without his awareness.

May 25, 2011

MEDIA MEME of the Day: “The victory in NY-26 for Democrat Kathy Hochul was seen nationally as a referendum on Ryan’s proposal to overhaul Medicare”

 Dear MSM: Who are you kidding??

May 25, 2011

OBAMA HEARTS TAX CHEATS: Best Way To Get ObamaMoney from the Obama Stash? Don’t Bother Paying Your Taxes

 “Thousands of companies that cashed in on President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus package owed the government millions in unpaid taxes, congressional investigators have found.” [AP]

May 25, 2011

AMISH VICE: Feds Cracking Down on Raw Milk Criminal Enterprise

  Carolyn Lochhead: “But under the authority of a 1987 FDA regulation banning interstate commerce in raw milk, government agents have conducted a sting operation on a raw milk producer in Fresno, made three raids on a boutique goat cheese maker in Ventura County and descended with guns drawn on a raw milk buying club in Venice (Los Angeles County).” [SFGATE]

May 25, 2011

DAYS NOT WEEKS: Obama’s War in Libya is Now Officially Illegal

Gene Healey: On Friday the 60-day clock ran out, leaving Obama in clear violation of the War Powers Resolution, passed in 1973 to “fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution … [and] insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities.” [WASHINGTON EXAMINER]